Apr 12Liked by Meera Lee Patel

I loved your Monday writing, your surrendering of productivity, giving yourself over to slow time. Witnessing and waiting it out. It's so hard when little ones are sick: hard to see them suffer, but also hard to power down one's own activities and (at least in my own experience) feel a little sorry for myself as well. (And then feel guilty about thinking of myself at all, while trying to comfort a sick child.)

How right to find safety in those moments for yourself as well as your daughter. Motherhood makes us wise, though the lessons are hard. Wishing you a healthy household again soon. Your writing and your art are so wonderful.

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Apr 13Liked by Meera Lee Patel

Beautiful! "to constantly unlearn until, at the end, I am stripped of all belief, leaving the way I came in: honest, unharmed, full of possibility." I've been doing the exact same thing this last week, with myself. And I had someone else's child sleep in my arms this week and wondered about the beauty and absolute surrender and trust in me and my ability from that child's slumber. The joy of having a sleeping child in your arms never goes away, even if the child is not your own. XO

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I really loved your piece in Uppercase. It spoke to me.

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Apr 12Liked by Meera Lee Patel

I always feel lucky to read your words and glimpse your work, Meera -- thank you.

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Apr 12Liked by Meera Lee Patel

This week feels so right! I love this post. It is important to pause and just be. So hard when children are involved and work is there to be done, honestly, when we take time to pause, sometimes it really seems as if the extra time is being knitted for us. Nothing is lost.

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I hope F is better. There is part of a line from a poem I read long ago…”I am rocking my baby and babies don’t keep…”. Counting blessings with every breath each of my 3 daughters and 5 granddaughters take. ❤️🌹💫

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M! Absolutely thrilled to have discovered your page here in the Substack world. Fell in love with Monday's writing, I hope F is feeling better now! Also thank you for sharing Tuesday's suggestions, I'm keen on exploring <3 Sending love to you from India!

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