Feb 3Liked by Meera Lee Patel

Dear Somebody is my favorite read - thank you for all that you share. That Billy Collins poem hit hard as we prep our oldest to fly the nest this year onto university. 💗

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Thank you for the support, and the shout out!

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Feb 2Liked by Meera Lee Patel

I love a reminder that I love Billy Collin’s poetry and I love the starting the day with the realization that nothing is going to get done. How great! Thanks for this.

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The letting go section got me. Love reading Dear Somebody on Friday mornings while I lay in bed and Etta is waking up, babbling in her crib the next room over. Cozy moment before I start the day!

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I've enjoyed all your posts I've read, but this one especially resonated. I've also been working on being more present and accepting each moment as it is. Your words were like a friend holding my hand, and inspiration to keep at it. ❤️

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Feb 3Liked by Meera Lee Patel

I regularly get deep joy from your art, your words, what you reveal about yourself. Witnessing your open and love-fuelled path through motherhood is a gift I didn't know I needed until I found you. You have such a beautiful mix of vulnerability and strength, it always moves me.

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