Yes, you will miss the tiny feet, more than you can ever imagine!

Pour time, listening, talking, reading stories, joy, laughter, games, drawing & creating together- pour all that out of you and into your girls with love. And, if you are blessed with a long life and grandchildren, you will see them live with joy and sorrow and use all that loving goodness of time well spent together as silken threads of strength and love that hold them up and surround them when their lives are tough and hard.

And they will have hard times and you will be on the outside watching them make similar mistakes that you made in your life, and if you are lucky they will share some of it with you, and you will offer love and prayers and listen and offer your continuing love and support in a different but still motherly and friendship ways. And, and your children be apart of your life, still.

You use your life as the “stuff” to create your art and writing. You cannot spread yourself too thin, or there is nothing to work with for your soul, your family or your work. I am an art teacher, librarian, mother, grandmother and friend. My balance is still hard to maintain.

That life balance you are living is extremely hard to maintain. Give yourself Grace and if and when you make errors, always do it on the side of time with your girls. Always. You will never regret it.

Thank you for sharing and reminding me of what is most important. ❤️🌹

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I loved this one so, so much. It resonated so deeply that my bones were humming!

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I'm a new subscriber and am obsessed with your method of integrating work and writing and all the rest in these posts. Your perspective on shifting from "expectations" to "intentions" really resonates this week, too.

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oh this one really resonates with me. And I remember asking myself if my future me was going to miss tiny feet and the rest; and yes she does miss it all.

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